Venture: all the stylish creations i've crafted throughout the years
Over the years, I've embarked on numerous petite endeavors, yet these particular ones stand as the crowning achievements of my creative journey. Feel free to peruse the repositories and explore live links if they pique your interest.
A facebook clone I was project lead on for my fullstack web development course. A full MERN stack application made with a graphQL API.
A twitter clone made using the t3 stack. I loved working on this one as I got a deep dive on how mono repos work and it was my first time using tRPC as an API
Tenzie Game
A fun game of tenzies I made with ReactJS 🎲. This is where I was whetting my whistle with framer motion and making something with a fair bit of React logic.
MongoDB Social Network API
A groovy lil API for a social network web application where users can share their thoughts, react to friends thoughts, and create a friend list.
Ecommerce Server
A complete backend server for an ecommerce store. I actually enjoyed this one a lot, building a pretty awesome backend that used Sequelize as the ORM.
A neat weather dashboard to show the weather in your location as well as one that is searched. An earlier project of mine that was when I was first getting the hang of working with APIs in JavaScript.